Tangled Up In Green (Part 2)

Tangled Up In Green
Heather O’Malley
Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and have no connection to this what so ever. This is used without their permission and includes a plea not to be sued as I have no money.
The Fallout
Shego woke up and was glad that there was an automatic coffee maker in her rooms. She really didn’t want to face the days ahead without coffee to help. She nursed her first cup as she got her things out for the day. A clean uniform and underclothes were laid neatly on the bed before she took off her pajamas and padded into the en suite bathroom to take care of her morning hygiene. The shower was nice and she took the time to finish getting ready for the day before clothes. Once she had gotten dressed Shego refilled her mug and headed out to the rest of the lair, putting on her villain face for Dr. D.
Drakken still looked overly enthused over last night’s stellar failure, all but dancing about. Shego looked at this display with some disgust. Sure she had pricked Princess with the damn thing like she had been asked, but was that really something to gloat over? Drakken stopped shaking his booty long enough to notice the green and black clad woman enter, his smile broad and a bit creepy. “Ah Shego, congratulations on a job well done.”
“It wasn’t a big deal Doc. So what did that little thing do? Poison?”
Drakken giggled at that and Shego rolled her eyes. “No my dear Shego, something better than poison.”
“Some sort of virus turning her into a cuddlebuddy?”
“Nope. You’d never guess what I managed to do.”
Shego glared. It was too early in the morning for this crap. Drakken was barely bearable like this when she was fully rested. “Fine. What did it do?”
“Let’s just say that when you knocked Miss Possible away you knocked her up.” Drakken giggled at his clever use of words. The poetry of it just tickled him.
Shego blinked a few times. It was still too early for this stupidity and she hadn’t made it through her second cup of coffee yet. “Knocked her up? You mean I got Kimmie pregnant?”
“Yes. Isn’t it wonderful?” Drakken was gloating.
Shego took a deep breath and let it out slowly, just like she had learned in meditation and anger management classes. This was not a good situation and she wanted to know what was going on more than punching Drakken at the moment, but it was close. “Alright, I’ll bite. Who’s the father?”
Drakken giggled madly, “That’s the best part…there isn’t one.”
“Drakken…” The growl was warning enough to let Drakken know that he needed to focus and clarify things. Things were always a bit fragile when Shego was in this sort of mood, which did seem to be all of the time.
“Well, my thinking went like this. Kim Possible is a big fan to truth, justice, life and all that. Well…if she were pregnant she would either need to have the baby, which would take her out of the way for a while or abort the child. If she aborted the child, the anguish at ending a life would cause her remorseless guilt which would take her out of the way. But I wanted to make it really special…something so Diabolical that I am sure to be written up in Villain’s Weekly for this. I’ve chosen my picture already.”
“Get to the point already.” The beginnings of a migraine could be felt coming on and Shego really didn’t need this crap.
“Well, who better to impregnate her than to have her nemesis do it.”
Things clicked into place so quickly that it caused Shego to wince. Surely Drakken wouldn’t do something that stupid? “Are you saying that I’m the father?”
Drakken nodded giggling. Her free first clenched and unclenched, feeling a growing need to punch something. How in the hell had the blue skinned buffoon managed to make this work?
“Dr. D, I am fairly certain that you need a man and a woman to have a kid.”
“Not if you have DNAmy helping.” He was quite smug and impressed with himself.
Shego could feel the color slowly drain out of her face. That stupid plan would work. Kimmie would be trapped into a pregnancy not of her own making and left with difficult choices. And Drakken did this. He had taken control of her life away, just like he had with that damn mind control chip and he was playing with her emotions like he had with that damn synthobot. She closed her eyes and struggled to count to ten. Nobody should have to deal with this. When her anger wasn’t any lower she did it again in Chinese.
Drakken didn’t realize that something was going on with his henchwoman until she exhaled slowly and said, “I quit.”
Drakken spun around, wide eyed. “Shego?”
“I quit. Let me get my stuff and I’m out of here. I don’t need this crap.” She turned and headed back towards her room, grumbling about idiots under her breath. How the hell was she going to take care of this mess?
“But Shego…I thought you would like this plan?”
She stopped on the threshold of her room and considered if she should answer. Apparently her anger decided for her. The mug of coffee broke under her grip and her hands flared into plasma flame as she slowly turned to face him. “Thought I would like this plan? Don’t you remember what I told you about playing with people like this? Didn’t I make myself clear as to what Kimmie did to me when she kicked me into that tower and why? Didn’t I show my disapproval clearly enough over the whole chip thing? Have I been unclear about how I stood on these things?”
Drakken cowered, trying reason to soothe the savage beast. “But…but Shego, this way you won’t have to fight her anymore. She’ll either get all fat or get a straight jacket.”
“Dr. D, you just don’t get it, do you? I used to love fighting Kimmie. It was great and the Princess fought well. But then that damn syntho thing hurt her and she blamed me. Me! What do you think she will do if…no when she finds out that she is carrying My child? I almost died once already Drakken because of some stupid plan you made without informing me, I don’t need anymore of this.”
Drakken blinked, apparently this avenue had never crossed his mind. “But Shego, if she can’t fight how can she kill you?”
Shego growled, ignoring his pathetic excuse for a come back, her head throbbing in time with her pulse. “And furthermore, didn’t you forget one thing is this little scheme? One tiny, insignificant little detail in this brilliant plan of yours?”
“Uhm…no?” Drakken wrung his hands nervously. This discussion hadn’t gone where he had thought it would and it was distressing him. She was supposed to be happy and congratulate him for being so clever.
“Maybe like getting my fucking permission before you used my DNA to do this to Kimmie!” Shego screamed, fists flaring, ready to leap over and begin the traditional Drakken beat down.
“Uh…erm…uh…” With that rejoinder, Drakken turned tail and ran from the room, screaming in fear like a little girl.
It took every ounce of control to not set Drakken on fire over this or to follow him to get that visceral satisfaction. It wasn’t worth it. She was just going to leave and try to figure out what the hell she could do to fix this mess Drakken had dumped her into. It was sad just how used to cleaning up after Dr. D’s messes she had become and she didn’t want to deal with it any more.
Weeks later Kim noticed that she was getting sick in the mornings and that food almost universally didn’t sound appealing. There was no way that this couldn’t be a mere coincidence. She worriedly looked at her diary, at where she had been keeping track of her cycle and it was clear. She had missed her period. She had always been regular, like clockwork at twenty-eight days and now she was five days late. She frowned worriedly. Surely there was no way that this could have happened. She was a virgin and coitus was a necessity for pregnancy.
She needed to talk to her mother and the idea scared her. She had never done anything to truly upset her parents and to tell her mom that she was afraid she might be pregnant terrified her. She got dressed, feeling like a condemned prisoner. Once downstairs she headed over to her mother, swallowing heavily. “Uh…Mom…can I talk to you for a minute?”
Mrs. Dr. Anne Possible turned and looked at Kim. The red head looked pale. “Are you okay?”
“No. Can we talk over here?” Kim headed out to the living room, away from her father and the tweebs, some place where there was a little bit of privacy.
Her mother looked concerned, aware that her daughter was having some issues with something. “Okay. What is it?”
“I’m late.” Kim bowed her head in shame and couldn’t bear to even imagine the look on her mother’s face.
The tone however, said it all. “Late? Did you and Ronald…”
“No mom, that’s the thing. I haven’t.”
The silence was heavy and Kim shifted uncomfortably. “You haven’t?”
“No mom.”
“It could be simply a hormone shift. That happens.”
“I think I also have morning sickness.” Kim winced as she said that.
“Is everything alright in there hun?” called out Kim’s father.
“It’s alright. Just something Kimberly and I are talking about.” The tone of her voice grew serious when she turned back to Kim. “Kimberly Ann Possible, you had better do some quick explaining.”
Kim told her about the fight and the needle prick and everything, asserting time and again that she and Ron had never, ever done anything like that. Her mom just stared at her, working through this puzzle. “Grab your things young lady. You’re coming with me.”
What in the hell was she going to say to her? Shego couldn’t figure this out after weeks of struggling. She had found a small place where she could think in private, doing nothing else except meditate and exercise and spy on Princess. There was nothing she could do, nothing she could say, no way for her to explain this that wouldn’t end up with them fighting. Shego couldn’t handle that. There had to be something.
She had seen Kimmie, after she had come home from the hospital with her mother. Apparently they had confirmed the young woman’s fears; that was plain enough on the girl’s face. So Pumpkin was officially pregnant and scared as hell. Shego couldn’t really blame her. This would be enough to make anyone scared for their future.
The girl had also gone to school in a daze, an almost zombie like shuffle that was breaking Shego’s heart. Kimmie was strong and Shego was sure Kim would just bounce back, but the question was when and how. It didn’t take much to turn anger into hate and Shego had already tasted Kim’s hate. That was something she never wanted to experience again and this situation could all too easily turn into that. The pain had actually been greater than when the meteor had struck, giving her the plasma powers that had ruined her life. What could Shego due but to face the music?
As Shego left that room, determined to do something, dressed in something other than her distinctive green and black battle suit, she shook her head in irony as rain was falling. It seemed to fit her mood and certainly Kimmie’s. That it was a mirror to a moment months ago didn’t escape her attention either. She felt horrible about this whole situation and just wanted to fix things if she could. There wasn’t much she could do, as this was Drakken’s disaster but she was going to try. She owed it to Kimmie for all the times that had fought together and worked together. The thing with the tower was much more clearly Drakken’s fault than the red headed hero’s fault and she kept that in focus.
By the time she had made it to the Possible house, she was soaked and was glad that the window to Pumpkin’s room was in the lee, keeping the rain from falling there. Kim was laying in bed, asleep, her face troubled even as she tried to rest. Shego wrung what water she could from her long black hair and then opened the window silently, using all of her skills as a thief to do so. Once there was an opening large enough to slip through, she did so, closing it behind her as silently as possible. Kim stirred in her bed but did not wake, which was a bit of a blessing.
Shego knelt there, closing her eyes and fixing her resolve. It would be so easy to slip back out of the room, get her stuff and to disappear, leave the country. She knew how to do it and she had done it before. But this was different, this was trying to fix something important and she felt she had to do this, if for no other reason than her own self-respect. She wiped a hot tear from her cold face and sighed. Pumpkin didn’t deserve this. This was easily the hardest thing she had ever done and she really would rather have done anything else.
The young woman stirred, frowning.
“Kimmie…come on Princess…time to wake up.”
“Five more minutes.” murfled Kim, mostly into her pillow.
“Come on Pumpkin…I need you to wake up now.”
Kim blinked her eyes open slowly and tried to focus on the person in front of her, failing to understand why the room was still dark if it was time to get up. When things came into focus she gasped and swung at the green woman.
The right hook hit Shego squarely on the jaw, and it had taken everything the thief had not to dodge or block it. This blow was deserved and served to make a point. The fact that Shego hadn’t defended herself or was wearing her battle suit threw Kim into full consciousness and she tried to figure out what the hell was going on. She hissed out, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I…I…wanted to apologize to you.” said Shego, having some difficulty starting this conversation.
“For what exactly, it’s not like it’s a short list.” Kim remained in her fighting stance, just waiting for Shego to twitch funny, just once.
“First off, for this last thing. I swear I didn’t know what the thing was supposed to do. I found out the next day when Dr. D was ranting.”
“And you are only coming to me now?” bitterly responded Kim.
“I didn’t know what to say and I was hoping that this one was going to fail, like everything else of his fails. When I saw you come home from the hospital with your mom…”
“You were watching!?” Shego simply nodded, ignoring the narrowed eyes.
“I had to tell you. I didn’t know.”
“Give me one reason that I am supposed to believe you and not kick your ass?” Kim was building herself up for an attack and Shego knew it. This was going to hurt and she wasn’t sure she wanted to dodge. Thankfully there were no Radio towers in the room.
“I…I don’t have one. I know you hate me and that you have no reason to believe a word I say, but it’s true. And…and I wanted to apologize for that damn synthoguy…I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t know.” Shego bowed her head and was ready to accept her fate. Anything was better than holding all this guilt in and letting it eat away at her. If Kim hated her she could slip away and never darken the girl’s door ever again, even if it did cost her something important.
“You didn’t know? You didn’t know?” mocked Kim. “The great Shego didn’t know something?”
Shego didn’t respond. It wasn’t like it really made a difference anymore. It wasn’t like Shego would be able to be involved in the child’s life any way. She would just be able to watch from the outside, just like with everything else in her life. The cheerleader would have the child and Shego would get nothing.
“How am I supposed to believe that lie either?” taunted Kim, wanting nothing more than to start hitting the green skinned woman but was holding back because she was better than that. When the green skinned woman attacked she would end this.
Shego snapped her head up, tears flowing down her face, finally letting anger and pain fill her. “You know what? Fuck this. I didn’t know and I just wanted you to know and I didn’t come to fight and I am tired of this shit Kimmie, tired of fighting you. I don’t want to do that any more. Fuck it, I’m out of here.”
Kim’s anger was washed away at one look at the grief stricken face of the other woman, at the red trails of tears down her face, at the pain that had been in the woman’s eyes. Shego went to the window and threw it open. “I’m sorry Kimmie, sorry for everything.”
Kim watched as the woman nimbly jumped from the window to the lawn and started walking away from the house, head down, the occasional sob carried to her by the wind. She watched the woman trudge for about half a block before she groaned and unclenched her fists. “Kimberly Ann Possible, you are a complete idiot.”
Last modified2016-06-02
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